Acupuncture involves the use of very fine needles to stimulate points along meridians that were discovered thousands of years ago in China. In order to achieve or maintain a healthful state, needles are used to correct imbalances in Yin, Yang, Qi and other elements in the body. While most Westerners are aware of the use of acupuncture to relieve pain, its applications (along with the use of herbs and certain foods) reach far beyond the relief of pain. Some common ailments that can be addressed using Traditional Chinese Medicine (including acupuncture) include:
- Allergies, including itchy skin, ears, etc.
- Cancer
- Behavioral problems including fear aggression, OCD behaviors, and anxiety
- Gastrointestinal disorders including inflammatory bowel disease, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.
- Renal failure, both acute and chronic
- Endocrine diseases including hypo- and hyperthyroidism and Cushing's disease
- Auto-immune disorders
- Lyme Disease
- Arthritic pain and inflammation, including pre- and post-operative care
- Partial paralysis due to herniated discs
- Seizures
- Respiratory diseases including asthma and upper respiratory infections
Herbal Medicine
Proper nutrition is the foundation of our health and the same is true for our pets. Highly processed pet foods are the cause of most of our pets’ chronic health issues, most of which have a foundation in inflammation: many allergies, chronic skin conditions, gastrointestinal issues and even arthritis have their origins in chronic inflammation. Processed foods, especially kibble, may be convenient and affordable, but we eventually end up paying those costs somewhere down the line. Some pets can do well for years before their processed food diet catches up with them. Other pets become almost toxic early on in their lives. Dr. Kris considers nutrition to be the most important part of her initial consultation and will spend up to a half hour helping you make the best choice you can for your pet taking into consideration your pet’s age and medical conditions as well as your time and budgetary constraints. There are many healthful ways to feed our pets; Dr. Kris is committed to helping you find what works best for you.
Herbal Medicine and Nutritional Supplements
Chinese herbal medicine is based on the same theories and principles as acupuncture. Many of the formulas used today were formulated over 2,000 years ago and have remained largely unchanged over the millennia! The formulas were written to be balanced and to mitigate their own side effects. Chinese herbs have a number of applications, particularly in the areas of internal medicine and cancer. Sometimes herbs are used in conjunction with conventional medications, but in many cases they can completely eliminate the need for medication. Dr. Kris will incorporate them into a comprehensive treatment plan if they are indicated.
A fresh, healthful diet that is properly balanced rarely needs to be supplemented. In cases where a pet presents with specific imbalances, Dr. Kris may use specific, targeted supplements on a temporary basis.
End of Life Care
Many pet owners are unaware of the health care options available to their pet at the end of their life. Euthanasia is but one way to help your pet complete their journey on the planet, however holistic care offers many natural, noninvasive modalities to help your pet maintain a balanced state of health, right up to the very end of their days.
Through regular home visits, Dr. Kris works very closely with all family members to insure that their beloved pet is guided gently and respectfully through their last days and weeks of life.
An example of the types of services provided include:
- Acupuncture treatments
- Herbal remedies for palliative care
- Diet recommendations, if indicated
- General guidance to family members regarding pet loss
If you have any questions regarding the appropriateness and usefulness of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine for your pet, please do not hesitate to call. We are happy to answer your calls over the phone.