Medical philosophy
You are your pet's companion and caretaker. As a healer and medical professional, my goal is to provide you with all the information you need to make informed decisions about what works for your pet's basic husbandry and medical care. We work together to determine not only what is best for your pet, but also for your budgetary and time constraints.
There is no cookie-cutter approach to health care, particularly in holistic medicine where the options are often limitless. My passion is to help clients consider their options and to feel empowered to make decisions for their pet's care, be it in the prime of their life or in their twilight years.
Conventional medicine has its role in acute medical crises. But in this day and age, most of us (humans and pets alike) are experiencing chronic health issues that require a more nuanced, and less medicated approach. Our pets, in particular, often have a host of chronic health issues stemming from the highly processed foods they are fed. The answers to finding a healthy balance between the holistic and allopathic approach are not as elusive as one might think. All it requires is working with a professional who has a healthy respect of both, along with a balanced perspective on how the two can, and should, co-exist.
Educational background and professional training
B.A. in French (1993), Tufts University.
Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine (DVM, 2002), The Ohio State University. Magna cum laude.
Internship in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery (2002-2003) at The Animal Medical Center, NY, NY. Awarded with the Employees' Veterinarian of the Year Award for outstanding and significant contribution to the hospital.
Advanced training in Veterinary Acupuncture (2005-2006), IVAS (International Veterinary Acupuncture Society).
Master in Public Health (MPH, 2012), The University at Albany.
Ongoing education and training in Chinese herbal medicine, Chi Institute.
Personal background and inspiration
My professional aspirations started as early as the first grade when I first expressed an interest in veterinary medicine. These aspirations went through several incarnations, however, and for some time I thought I might pursue a degree in human medicine and specialize in geriatric work (in humans). All of this changed when, in 1994 (my first year in Idaho), I experienced a more-than-normal number of episodes of winter-related flu-like viruses. Frustrated with my ability to stay healthy despite a healthy lifestyle, I sought advice from a conventional primary doctor. Not the least bit interested in treating my most recent respiratory illness, I asked my doctor why an otherwise-healthy young woman like myself was continually falling ill despite a healthy lifestyle. The doctor auscultated my chest with a stethoscope, assured me I did NOT have pneumonia, and prescribed me with an antibiotic (despite being confident there was no bacterial infection).
Frustrated, I spoke with local friends who were more savvy than I about health care and they recommended I see a naturopath. I was 23 years old at the time and had never heard of a naturopath, but was open to just about anything at that point. Well.... needless to say, the experience rocked. my. world. A two-hour consult complete with applied kinesiology, chiropractic, homeopathy and nutritional counseling. I followed his recommendations and didn't fall ill again for FOUR years (a near lifetime for me at the time) when I was in vet school and fully stressed and maxed out with work. The experience changed my entire perspective on medicine and I knew immediately, THIS was how I wanted to practice medicine.
Many years later, I have a healthy respect and awe for conventional medicine. It does miraculous things for us when acute crises are upon us. However, in our modern world, chronic health issues are much more prevalent than in previous eras when antibiotics and other life-saving medications did not exist. Thanks to these modern-day developments, we are all living longer lives. But are we living BETTER lives? The answer to this is becoming, increasingly, "no".
I consider myself more holistic than conventional at this point, simply because most of my patients require little conventional medicine when fed a proper diet. Nonetheless, I pride myself on knowing when my holistic approach has reached its limits and am quick to refer to conventional specialists when warranted.
On a personal note, in order to stay in touch with my own medical approach, I do my best to practice what I preach. My emphasis, both at home and in my work, is on a healthful diet with very limited supplementation from vitamins, probiotics, etc. In addition to subscribing to a local CSA for organic vegetables for half the year, I maintain two large vegetable gardens, raise chickens for eggs, and am expanding into growing fruit as well. My animals are fed a raw diet and are virtually never in need of veterinary care. While we do consult with conventional doctors when needed, we are more likely to see our chiropractor or acupuncturist when we are ill, rather than our D.O.